Contents 1. Greeff Genealogy - Latest research News2. Thank you 3. Wie is ek - Tiaan Greeff 4. 'n Brief aan ons Kuiernet 5. Greeff Farms 6. Books: Hans Jacob Greeff 7. Greeff Wild Coast Gathering 2010 8. Vakante Poste - Advertensies 9. Readers' Questions Greeff Genealogy A person's genetic makeup is a complete set of instructions on how the body is “supposed” to be built. The body's genetic material consists of genes, made up of coils of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are mainly in the cell nucleus.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the cell's genetic material, contained in chromosomes within the cell nucleus and mitochondria. Except for certain cells (for example, sperm and egg cells and red blood cells), the cell nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. A chromosome contains many genes. A gene is a segment of DNA that provides the code to construct proteins. The DNA molecule is a long, coiled double helix that resembles a spiral staircase. In it, two strands, composed of sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate molecules, are connected by pairs of four molecules called bases, which form the steps of the staircase. In the steps, adenine is paired with thymine, and guanine with cytosine. Each pair of bases is held together by a hydrogen bond. A gene consists of a sequence of bases. Sequence of three bases code for an amino acid (amino acids are the building blocks of proteins) or other information. (Source: Judith G. Hall, MD,(http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec01/ch002/ch002a.html) . The Greeff DNA Project My daughter, Maria, was born with anencephaly and she died when she was four days old. Anencephaly occurs when the "cephalic" or head end of the neural tube fails to close. Infants with this disorder are born without a forebrain (the front part of the brain) and a cerebrum (the thinking and coordinating part of the brain). A baby born with anencephaly is usually blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain. Reflex actions such as breathing and responses to sound or touch may occur. The prognosis for babies born with anencephaly is extremely poor. If the infant is not stillborn, then he or she will usually die within a few hours or days after birth. (http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/anencephaly/anencephaly.htm) The World Health Organization (WHO) stipulates that I am a disabled person because I have Bipolar Affective Disorder (World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases code F31). My grandfather (64) and my father's brother (48) died because of complications with Diabetes, and my daughter has Diabetes too. There is no doubt that Diabetes and Bipolar Disorder are genetic illnesses, and serious investigation is being done to see if Anencephaly is a genetic illness. One way or another, I want my children, and their children, to have access to my medical history. I believe that having access to one's medical history is a basic human right that no human being should ever be denied, and medical history includes a history of genetic illnesses and risks. Source: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/units/disorders/whataregd/ My sister married Primo de Beer and had two children, who both took the name Illingworth when she married her second husband, Peter Illingworth. I have no doubt that her grandchildren will be Illingworth too, and that one day their descendants will look back into the Illingworth tree for their medico-genetic history. Will those unborn children of the future know to look back into the de Beer family? Will they ever know that Johannes Matthys (Jan) de Beer was born in 1804, married thrice and had 23 children? Of his 23 children, 7 died young and 5 were born blind, and 5 children are recorded to have been married (Lombard & Heese, SA Genealogies, Vol I, A-C, p177).Names change, and can cause us to lose access to vital facts. History abounds with situations, like the Anglo Boer War, where orphaned infants are taken into another family, where they are not formally adopted. Such people are raised as one of their own, never knowing that they were adopted in infancy. The entire Steyn clan of South Africa are the children of Douw Gerbrandt Steyn's adopted son. I argue, most strongly, that all these adopted children and their descendants are fully, in every way, members of whatever clan they were adopted into and that they have an inalienable human right to know their correct medico-genetic history. It is important for each one of us to know that we are not barking up the wrong tree when we look for our medico-genetic history. The Greeff DNA Project is my gift to my children, and to all the future generations of Greeff children who may be born in future centuries. The Greeff DNA Project exists to build a family tree based on DNA (Y-Chromosome profiles) to stand side by side with the present family tree, which is based on paper records. About certainty The paper records of birth marriage and death are not an error-proof, certain method of tracing one's actual ancestry, but they are a very good place to start because they show one's probable ancestry. The same is true of the DNA records that we use to build our DNA family tree. Our Y-Cromosome profiles will show who each person's probable ancestors are, but the probabilities of Y-Chromosome profiles are vastly superior to the probabilities of paper records. Y-Chromosome profiles also have one certainty built in: they will indicate non-conforming ancestry with certainty. How we Build a DNA Family Tree To build a DNA tree we start with what we know from our paper tree. We are sure that there are three main branches of the Greeff family: The first thing we have to do is to make sure that we compare Y-Chromosome profiles from each of these three main branches. If they match, then we have one big, global clan. If not, we have to find out why not. The second thing we are sure of is that the South African branch of the Greeff clan is descended from at least two (or more) immigrants from Germany: Matthias Greeff, who arrived at the Cape in 1680, and Friedrich Greeff, who arrived at the Cape about a century later, around 1780. To build our DNA tree we must be certain to compare Y-Chromosome profiles from both these branches. If they match, we know that they are part of one clan. If not, we have to find out why not. The third thing we are sure of is that the descendants of Matthias Greeff and of Friedrich Greeff branched out in several directions. We have to collect Y-Chromosome samples from every branch we know of, and compare them. If they match, we know they are part of one clan. If not, we have to find out why not. Collecting Y-Chromosome Samples The Y-Chromosome cells we need to analyse are normally found on your toothbrush. To collect a sample from you we will mail you a cotton-wool bud to rub in the inside of your cheek. That ensures a rich harvest of the same cells. Dead easy! Who can take part in the Greeff DNA Project? Whether you like it or not, if you are part of the Greeff clan you will be part of the Greeff DNA Project. By that I mean that the results and consequenses of the knowledge we gain from the DNA tree will have a direct impact on you, and your knowledge of your medico-genetic history. It will give each member of the Greeff clan a redefined framework for their own medico-genetic history. Y-Chromosomes occur in men only, and that means that samples can be collected from men only. All men whose surname is Greeff can take part in the study. If you want to submit a sample of your Y-Chromosome cells, please email me at Greeff@Greeff.info. In order to represent all the known branches of the clan it is neccessary to invite people from the various branches to help by sending in a sample of their Y-Chromosome cells. I have made a list of some of the people from the South African branch of the clan who are well positioned to represent their branch of the family. I am trying to find them, and if you know any of them, please ask them to email me at Greeff@Greeff.info. They are:
Most of the people on this list will be able to recognise themeselves quite easily. Please email me at Greeff@Greeff.info if you are willing to help with the Greeff DNA project. Francois Greeff PS.
Last month's contributions to research: The success and growth of the Greeff family tree is the consequence of hundreds of people from all over the world who each contribute to our common goal. During April alone all the people in the table contributed to the pool of Greeff knowledge in some way, and they all helped to build the Greeff family tree. I thank them for all thet they manage to achieve when their efforts are added together.
My apologies and gratitude to all the people whose names I have inadvertently omitted from the list. I also want to extend my formal thanks and admiration to all those people who donated funds to the Greeff Study Fund so that Natanja Greeff can do a research Masters Degree about the early Greeff family in South Africa, and how the clan formed new branches at Family Farms. She is firmly ensconced at the University of Cape Town, and working very hard. The Greeff family has every right to be very proud of its joint effort to support serious, well structured research into our Family History, and in particular we must be very proud of all these people, who include both family and friends:
I thank you all. Well done!
VLNR, agter: Oupa Chris Greeff (Christiaan Lourens Gerhardus Greeff) en sy kleinseun Tiaan (Christiaan Lourens Gerhardus Greeff) en sy pa, Pieter Andries Greeff (Piet). Voor: Ouma Mara Greeff (gebore du Plessis) en Oupa se suster, Linda Greeff, en Piet se vrou, Susan, en hulle dogter, Cornet Greeff. Ek is Christiaan Lourens Gerhardus Greeff en my noemnaam is Tiaan. Ek is nou 23 jaar oud en ek is ‘n student aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg. Ek het ‘n 3 jaar graad-kursus in Geologie en Geografie gedoen in 2004-2006. In 2007 het ek my Honeurs in Geologie voltooi en is tans besig met my M.Sc in Geologie. My oupa is Chris Greeff (Christiaan Lourens Gerhardus Greeff). Sy noemnaam is Hartjie. Hy is op 8 September 1938 in Johannesburg gebore. My ouma Mara Greeff (gebore du Plessis) is op 02 Desember 1939 op Steenbokfontein in die Koster distrik Noord-Wes provinsie gebore. Hulle woon tans op ‘n plaas, Otterfontein, in Koster, Noord-Wes provinsie. My ouma en oupa het 3 kinders gehad. My oom, Dirk Jakobus Greeff, is die oudste, gevolg deur my pa, Pieter Andries Greeff, en dan hulle jongste sussie, Magda Greeff. My pa, Piet, is op 18 Julie 1959 in Johannesburg gebore, en my ma, Susan, is op 26 Februarie 1962 in Johannesburg gebore. My ouers het 2 kinders gehad, my sussie, Cornet Greeff, gebore op 18 Julie 1982 en ek, Christiaan Lourens Gerhardus Greeff (Tiaan) wat op 23 Maart 1985 gebore is. Ons woon tans in Newlands, Johannesburg. My ouma vertel altyd stories dat ons familie is van oud President Paul Kruger, en familie is van Potgieter wat op die monument gebou is. Maar hoe waar dit is weet ek nie. Ek weet ook van 'n lepel wat my oom het wat deur my groot oupa grootjie gemaak is met sy hande uit 'n lyfband se gespe. Ek het ook 'n Greeff familie wapen in my besit wat ek sal fotografeer en aanstuur, en agter op die wapen is daar inligting oor mense wat al die wapen gehad het met geboorte datums op.
'n Brief aan ons Kuiernet From: "lee greeff" < DisplayMail('gmail.com','greefflee'); greefflee@gmail.com>
Such a small, quiet little letter, but the two CDs contain weeks of Lee's time and hard work. The CDs contain several hundreds of photos of Greeff documents from the Pretoria Archives. This continued hard work by Lee Greeff is a massive boost to the Greeff Death Notice Project, which seeks to photograph every Greeff Death Notice in the South african Archives, and to type its information into the Greeff records.Thanks Lee! Greeff Farms I recently discovered this article, by Jean de Villiers of Paarl, about a farm that belonged to Matthijs Greeff, the eldest son of Mattias Greeff and Susanna Claassen. Matthijs was 17 years old when he took possession of the farm. Matthijs was 26 years old when he died in 1713, leaving behind a widow and only one son. His widow, Sara Coetzee, owned the farm for about 4 years. The article is so well researched and so well presented that I thought that I should give it to you just as I found it. DRIEFONTEIN
DEEL A 35 morg 253vk roede + 213 morg 227 vk roede erfpag, hierna bekend as Welbedacht
DEEL B 24 morg 147vk roede + 285 morg 443 vk roede erfpag
DEEL C 200 morg 513vk roede erfpag, hierna bekend as Philippusdal
Die jong Matthys Greeff was nog ongetroud toe hierdie plaas in 1704 aan hom toegesê is. Hy het grootgeword op Nooitgedacht naby Stellenbosch en is in 1710 getroud met die sestienjarige Sara Coetzee, dogter van Dirk Coetzee van Coetzenburg by Stellenbosch, maar is twee jaar later oorlede. Die jong weduwee trou later weer met Johann Jürgen Roos, ’n boer van Elsenburg naby Stellen-bosch en Driefontein word in 1718 verkoop aan Jacques Pienaar van Leeuwentuin in die Bovlei. Twee jaar later word die plaas die eiendom van die jong Pierre Joubert wat in 1731 te sterwe kom. Pierre se weduwee verkoop die plaas nog in dieselfde jaar aan die grondbaron Jean Blignaut van Bethel in die Paarl. Blignaut het nie op Driefontein gewoon nie en die plaas vermoedelik onder toesig van ’n opsigter gelaat. Blignaut het herhaaldelik as kerkraadslid en heemraad van Drakenstein gedien. Source:
le Roux, Jean G. Die Oorspronklike Plase van die Wellington Distrik.
Books: Hans Jacob Greeff
On 13 May 2008 Annelie Els sent me an email with a dozen or two of extremely valuable photos of Greeff documents attached. In one of these photos I found Hans Jacob Greeff, alive and well in 1775, and aged 21. In another photo I found Pieter Greeff alive and well in 1761, aged 19. Both of their names were directly connected to Wilhelmina Berkman, and that made me sit up and take notice. The reason is that I had thought the descendants of Peter Greeff and Wilhelmina Berkman to be completely extinct by those years. That TWO fertile males of their line were still alive was cause for grave concern. Peter Greeff arrived at the Cape from Tonning, Germany, in 1734, and married Wilhelmina Berkman on 1 November 1756. Among their seven children are three sons: Pieter, Jurgen and Hans Jacob. The story becomes more interesting, because all seven of their children were born before they were married. In fact, all the children were born before Wilhelmina was widowed, during her marriage to Cornelis Goosen. Obviously the children had taken Peter Greeff's surname, as their mother did, when she married him. So Peter Greeff, from Germany, never had any children in South Africa. That does not end the problem. The children called themselves Greeff, and were part of the Greeff family. If they married as Greeff instead of reverting to Goosen, and had children, then it is perfectly possible that some of the Greeff family in South Africa are descended from them. The matter calls for serious investigation. I will let you know what turns up.
Greeff Wild Coast Gathering: 2010 As beautiful as sunrise over Africa..... Plans for the Greeff Gathering in December 2010 have recently reached a new turning point. Several months were spent trying to find a suitable venue for such a gathering. The important criteria were: Louis Egbert Greeff IV owns Arendsnes, a holiday resort on the Wild Coast of South Africa, not far to the North of East London. What I like most about the idea of taking the Greeff Gathering 2010 to Arendsnes is that, collectively, the Greeff family wil spend a great deal of money on such a gathering. I like the idea that much of this money will be spent in the business of one of us, instead of going to a stranger. Let me know what you think of Arendsnes.
Arendsnes means "Eagle's nest", and the place was so named because Louis built his house on the top of a dune, and needs a cable car to get in and out of his home. Arendsnes is a holiday resort and conference centre. It has accommodation for at least 350 people, and there is much more accommodation in Cintsa if we need it. Arendsnes has, more or less: Horseriding on Cintsa Beach
The conference facilities and broadband connections at arendsnes will be extremely useful because the entire clan will be able to bring their photo albums, family records, documents, school certificates, and old newspaper cuttings. The conference centre will be set up as a data processing centre where the family tree will be expanded to its full limits. I am curious about whether to organize our own activities and competitions, such as a competition to find the ugliest Greeff in the whole world, with prizes for the ugliest family members, and special consolation prizes for the out and out losers. I have a hunch that competition will be fierce at both ends of the contest. I am also keen to draw on the special skills of the members of our family, and to arrange for them to teach all the children new confidence building skills, like rock climbing and abseiling. I grew up in rural Africa, and I learned how to slaughter sheep and chickens and how to make sausage by the time I was 12 years old. I learned how to use rope, and how to make knots. I can saddle and ride a horse. I know how to apply tick grease to animals, and I can use a curry comb. I can sail a yacht in a full circle on the same wind. I could shoot straight by the time I was 12 too. If our children are interested to learn things like these, then I invite suggestions from people with special interests and skills to come forward and organise events for the duration of the gathering. I ask those of you who can to go to Arendsnes, and to spend a weekend or a short holiday there so that you can report back to me about what it is like. I am, after all, in London, and in no position to make a well informed decision. I welcome suggestions for alternative venues, just as I welcome all suggestions of any kind. TARIEWE PER NAG SOOS VANAf 7 JANUARIE 2008 – 50% DEPOSITO BENODIG.
Alle pryse sluit BTW en elektrisiteit in. Arendsnes, on the warm Wild Coast of Africa:
Vakante Poste
1. Graf Besorger.
'n Lewenslange langtermyn pos bestaan vir
iemand (man, vrou of skolier) wat Greeff grafte wil help bewaar. Die
suksesvolle aansoekster sal die hele wêreld elektronies deurreis op
soek na Greeff grafte, fotos en inligting daarvan.
Rekenaarvaardigheid is nie 'n vereiste nie, want indiens opleiding
is ten alle tye beskikbaar. Die pos bekleedster sal as webmeesteres
optree en alle nuwe grafdata op die Greeff familie webblad laai. Die
suksesvolle aansoekster sal groot baat vind by 'n eie breëband
2. Data Verwerker. 'n Lewenslange langtermyn pos bestaan vir
iemand (man, vrou of skolier) wat graag inligting van Greeff mense
wil help bewaar. Die suksesvolle aansoekster sal die hele wêreld
elektronies deurreis op soek na Greeff inligting.
Rekenaarvaardigheid is nie 'n vereiste nie, want indiens opleiding
is ten alle tye beskikbaar. Die pos bekleedster sal as webmeesteres
optree en nuwe Greeff inligting self op die Greeff familie webblad
laai. Die suksesvolle aansoekster sal groot baat vind by 'n eie
breëband konneksie.
4. Photographer. Full on-the-job training will be given to several applicants to enable them to attach their own photos to their records on the Greeff website. This is the sort of end result you will produce in your own familiy:
From: Tiaan Greeff [mailto:tiaangreeff@yahoo.com] Goeie middag, ek e-mail net om te sê ek het nie vergeet van die donasie gelde van die projek nie, ek knyp net bietjie aan die kort kant die maand, maar sodra ek kan betaal ek geld in, met graagte. Ek wil net weet gaan die plase projek reg oor Suid-Afrika strek, of hoe? Groete, Francois Greeff antwoord: Mooi so Tiaan, en dankie! Die Greeff Plase Projek het ‘n lewe van sy eie, en hy groei vanself. ‘n Sterf Kennis is ‘n amptelike dokument wat ingevul word wanneer iemand dood gaan, maar nie altyd nie. Die name van plase het keer op keer op Greeff Strerf Kennis dokumente verskyn, en so het ek agtergekom dat hordes Greeff mense op elke plaas oorlede is. Genoeg om ‘n eie grafplaas op die plaas te maak. Toe begin ek wonder oor wie almal aan watter plase behoort het, en wat die implikasies daarvan is. Toe vra ek vir Lee Greeff in Pretoria (deel van die Greeff Sterf Kennis Projek) en vir Natanja Greeff (destyds deel van die Greeff Facebook Projek) of hulle twee nie saam met my aan die Greeff Plaas projek wil werk nie. Hulle stem toe in en ons drie werk nou saam om inligting oor Greeff Plase en hulle mense in te win, te sorteer, en te organiseer sodat ons kan sien waar ons vandaan kom. Ons weet reeds dat verskillende takke van die Greeff familie op plase ontstaan het, en daar is sulke familieplase wat ‘n baie belangrike rol in die vertakking van die familie gespeel het. Matthias Greeff se plaas, Nooitgedacht by Stellenbosch, Vondeling by Malmesbury, Greeff se Put in die Karoo, Hazenjacht by Oudtshoorn, Kruisementsfontein by Somerset Oos, Manana by Lichtenburg, en so aan is voorbeelde van plase waar die familie lekker vertak het. Nou soek ons vir die hele Suid Afrika:
Nou ontwikkel die ding vanself, en die Plaas Projek reageer op die Greeff DNA Projek. In die DNA projek moet ons die DNA van mense in elke tak verkry, sodat ons kan sien wie is geneties familie van wie. Toe kyk ons na die vertakkings van die ou Duitse familie, wat vertak het na SA (1680, Matthias Greeff. 1734, Peter Greeff. 1780, Friedrich Greeff.), en na Kanada, Engeland en Amerika, met die familie van Hugo Greeff, ongeveer 1880. Binne in SA vertak die familie weer in ongeveeragt hoof takke van Suid Afrika, en dan weer in omtrent sewe verdere identifiseerbare SA takke. Ons het dus nou drie globale takke (vandag se Duitsers, Amerikaners en Suid Afrikaners), met ‘n klomp sub-takke.
Terloops, ons drie werk so saam want Natanja is by die argiefbronne in die Kaap, en Lee is by die argiefbronne in Pretoria, en ek het vaardighede wat hulle insette met die van mense soos jy kan ko-oordineer, opskryf en ontleed. Dit lyk tans asof Natanja intensief gaan werk met die eerste agt vertakkings van die Greeff familie in SA, en dat sy met die vroegste agt families en hulle plase sal werk. Maar nou groei die plaas projek weer vanself. Viljoen Greeff sit in Heidelberg, Transvaal, en hy en ek is besig met die “Greeff van Huckenbach” Projek. Victor Bredt het ‘n boek geskryf oor die Greeff familie van Huckenbach, Duitsland, en die boek is in 1941, gedurende die oorlog, in Duitsland gepubliseer. In Duits. Viljoen Greeff en ek is besig om hierdie boek in Engels te vertaal, en soos wat ons vorder sien ons dat ons met ‘n plaasgemeenskap te make het – ‘n span Greeff boere wat om en by 1550 in die woude van Duitsland met varke geboer het, wat geleidelik ambagte en vaardighede aangeleer het, en wat hierdie vaardighede aangewend het om van Duitsland ‘n industriële reus te maak. Maar die kern van die saak is dat ons ‘n klomp Greeff plase in Duitsland ontdek het. Dus kry die Greeff Plaas Projek per toeval ‘n Duitse aspek, en word globaal. Jou vraag was: “....gaan die plase projek reg oor Suid-Afrika strek, of hoe?” Kortom, nee. Ons stop nie by die grense van Suid Afrika nie. Die Greeff Plaas Projek gaan ooral waar die Greeff familie ooit plase gehad het, wêreldwyd. Groete,
Email Signature Does your email signature include a link to your family web site? It is easy to add: in your email reader just click on tools, options, signature, and then copy and paste one line: Greeff Family Web Site: www.Greeff.info In Afrikaans: Greeff Familie Webblad: www.Greeff.info Be proud of your family tree! |
Is your name in the Greeff Family Tree? Search and check. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please see: Greeff Saturday Squad if you want to help to build our family tree. |