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Male Abt 1660 - 1713  (~ 53 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Jan CORNELISZJan CORNELISZ was born about 1660 in Oud Beyerland, near Rotterdam, Netherlands; died in 1713 in Cape, South Africa.


    From: Lorna
    Subject: Re: [GenForum] Jan Cornelisz en Maria KICKERS
    Date: 16 August 2001 09:06

    Jan Cornelisz v Oudbeyerland x 22.5.1672 met Catharina Harmensz van Rhenen.
    Hul het die volgende kinders gehad:-
    1. Catharina =12.5.1675 ( daar was geen getuies nie) x Robert Jansz vanHoorn (H&L, H-I bladsy 470 en H&L, J-K, bladsy 75). Hierdie informasie is
    moontlik te betwyfel
    2. Cornelis = 29.11.1676 (getuies Francois Viljoen en Elsie Jacobs d.w.s.
    Cloete). Het geen ander informasie oor hom nie
    3. Anna = 29.3.1680 (weereens geen getuies nie). Ek vermoed x Jan Jacobsz
    van Dyk; xx 7.11.1706 Johan Berhard Sicher (sien Hoge se German Personalia') xxx c1740 Bernardus van Biljon

    In die Opgaafrolle van 1682 verskyn Jan Bombam en Cathryn Harmens se namemet 1 seun, 1 dogter en 'n kneg. In 1685 verskyn die name van Jan Cornelisz(Bombam) en Maria Kickart (sic) met twee kinders. Dit wil voorkom as of een dogter jonk gesterf het.

    Jan Cornelisz se plaas het later deel geword van Adam Tas se plaas Libertas. Jan Jacobsz van Dyk het op Keerweder, Stellenbosch geboer (J vd Byl seEienaars van erwe in Stellenbosch 1693-1860). Keerweder het in 1706 JohanSicher se eiendom geword omdat (?) hy met Van Dyk se weduwee getrou het. Die enigste probleem is dat Jan van Dyk en Anna Jansz reeds vanaf 1692 in die Opgaafrolle verskyn wat beteken dat sy baie jonk moes gewees het met hul
    troue- Ek kan die datum nie opspoor nie.


    From: Stoddart, Ria
    To: GenForum lede (E-mail)
    Subject: [GenForum] Jan Bombam - Jan Cornelis
    Date: 16 November 2001 07:50
    Daar is voorheen op die forum bespiegel oor die naam van Jan Bombam. Volgens die dagboek van Adam Tas was Jan Bombam (ek haal aan) die bynaam vir Jan Cornelis van Oud-Beyerland (vgl Minuten Justitiële Attestatiën, 1706onder 20 Oktober). Blykens grondbriewe het hy van 1683 af geboer op dieplaas waaraan hy, toe dit eindelik in 1689 aan hom toegeken is (OSF I, bl.12)die naam S"Libertas" gegee het (Libertas A, waar vandag "Vredelust" is,dus ten ooste van "oude Libertas"). Sy eerste vrou, Katrina Harmensz, met wie hy in 1672 getroud is en by wie hy drie kinders gehad het, het ontval; in 1683 is hy hertroud met Maria Kickers, wat hom na twee jaarverlaat het. Die plaas "Libertas" is saam met ander deur Jurgen Grimpverenig tot een groot geheel van 184 morg met behoud van die naam "Libertas". Dit was hierdie skone erfenis wat Adam Tas ten deel geval het toe hy in 1703 met die weduwee Grimp getroud is. (sluit aanhaling).


    From: jean_leroux
    Subject: Re: [GenForum] KICKERS en egskeidings
    Date: 10 March 2002 12:27

    Alet, Jan Cornelisse, ook bekend as Jan Bombam, was afkomstig van Oudbeijerland in Nederland. Friedrich Both darenteen was afkomstig van Wangenheim by Gotha in Duitsland. Hulle was dus nie broers nie. Both word in 1685 vryburger en gaan boer om die kwart vir Cornelisse.Teen 1700 was Cornelisse uit sy vrou en uit sy plaas en hoogbejaard. Hy dagvaar Maria kickers vir egskeiding op grond van owerspel. Sy beken dat Both die vader van al haar kinders is. Geen verwysing na Appel of Visser nie. In haar verweer se sy dat Cornelisse haar daartoe aangemoedig het en self 'onbequaam' was. Sedert 1686 laat sy en Both gereeld hul kinders in die openbaar doop. Die feit dat Cornelisse haar eers 14 jaar later vir owerspel dagvaar laat mens wonder of daar nie rede vir haar verweer was nie. Let daarop dat Cornelisse die vader van drie kinders uit sy eerste huwelik was, gebore tussen 1675 en 1780. Sy onbekwaamheid was moontlik te wyte aan ouderdom. Maria se verhoudings met Appel en Visser is myns insiens nie bewys nie.
    Vriendelike Groete,
    Jean le Roux Paarl

    In the Opgaafrolle of 1682 the names of Jan Bombam and Cathryn Harmens with one son, one daughter and a servant. In 1685 the names of Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) and Maria Kickart [sic] appear with two children. It appears that one daughter died young. In the Munster Rolls of 1695 Jan and Maria are listed as having 3 sons and 2 daughters, as well as 1 horse, 33 head of cattle, 100 sheep, 3 pigs and a 1000 vines.
    By 1700 when Jan was already well advanced in years, he requested a divorce from his wife, Maria Kickers. She had a adulterous affair with Friedrich Both and admitted that Both had been the father of her children. In her defense Maria apparently stated that Jan had actually encouraged the affair and even that he was "incompetent".
    From 1683 he farmed on a piece of land which he named S"Libertas" when it was eventually awarded to him in 1689 (Libertas A, where "Vredelust" is today, to the east of "oude Libertas"). Together with other farms it was united by Jurgen Grimp to one large farm of 184 morg and kept the name "Libertas". When Adam Tas married the widow Grimp in 1703 this fell into his possession.


    Jan CORNELISZ van Oudbeijerland (ook bekend as Jan Bombam), trou op 22 Mei 1672 met Catharina Harmenz van Rhenen. (Kyk ook onder van Biljon).

    Jan Cornelisz word ook as Jan Bombam in die Resolusies van die Politieke Raad, Vol V, p. 302 aangespreek. 'n Mens wonder waar die naam Bombam vandaan gekom het?

    Volgens die dagboek van Adam Tas was Jan Bombam die bynaam vir Jan Cornelis van Oud-Beyerland (vgl Minuten Justitiële Attestatiën, 1706 onder 20 Oktober). Uit grondbriewe blyk dit dat hy van 1683 af op 'n plaas geboer het waaraan hy toe dit eindelik in 1689 aan hom toegeken is (OSF I, bl. 12), die naam Libertas gegee het (Libertas A, waar vandag Vredelust is, dus ten ooste van Oude Libertas). Sy eerste vrou, Katrina HARMENSZ, met wie hy in 1672 getroud is en by wie hy drie kinders gehad het, het hom ontval. Die plaas Libertas is saam met ander deur Jurgen Grim (ook heemraadslid) verenig tot een groot geheel van 184 morg met behoud van die naam Libertas. Dit was hierdie skone erfenis wat Adam Tas ten deel geval het toe hy in 1703 met die weduwee Grimp getroud is.

    b1 Catharina =12 Mei 1675 ( daar was geen getuies nie) x Robert Jansz van Hoorn (Hees en Lombard H-I bladsy 470; en Heese en Lombard J-K, bladsy 75). Hierdie inligting is moontlik nie korrek nie:
    In Capensis van Junie 2001 (
    The Soetkoek Syndrome op bladsy 27) maak Mansell Upham 'n belangrike regstelling, naamlik dat Dr JA Heese 'n doopinskrywing van ene Catharina op 5 Nov 1684 verkeerd gelees het en dat die ouers nie Louis de Bor en 'n Catharina was nie, maar wel Kees de Boer (Cornelis Claasen) en sy vrou Catharina, 'n swart slavin. Ons vermoed dat hierdie Catharina met Robbert Jansz van Hoorn getroud was. Hierdie inligting is belangrik, want dit beteken dat Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland (Bombam) en sy vrou Catharina Harmensz van Rhenen se kinders geen nasate gehad het nie.

    b2 Cornelis = 29 Nov 1676 (getuies Francois Viljoen en Elsie Jacobs, geboreCloete).
    b3 Anna = 29 Maart 1680 (weereens geen getuies nie). Ek vermoed x Jan Jacobsz van Dyk; XX 7 Nov 1706 Johan Berhard Sicher (sien Hoge se
    German Personalia'), XXX c1740 Bernardus van Biljon. Haar ouers word in die doop inskrywing aangegee as Jan Bombam en Catharina Harmens aangegee.

    In die Opgaafrolle van 1682 verskyn Jan Bombam en Cathryn Harmens se name met 1 seun, 1 dogter en 'n kneg. In 1685 verskyn die name van Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) en Maria Kickart (sic) met twee kinders. Dit wil voorkom of een dogter jonk gesterf het. Jan Cornelisz se plaas het later deel van Adam Tas se plaas, Libertas, geword. Jan Jacobsz van Dyk het op Keerweder, Stellenbosch geboer (Sien J vd Byl, Eienaars van erwe in Stellenbosch 1693-1860). Keerweder het in 1706 Johan Sicher se eiendom geword, aangesien hy waarskynlik met Van Dyk se weduwee getrou het. Die enigste probleem is dat Jan van Dyk en Anna Jansz reeds vanaf 1692 in die Opgaafrolle verskyn, wat beteken dat sy baie jonk moes gewees het met hul troue.

    Jan CORNELISZ trou in 1683 met Maria KICKERS, maar sy verlaat hom na twee jaar. Hulle skei in 1700 weens haar owerspel (Sy het toe alreeds een kind by Ferdinandus Appel gehad en sewe kinders by Frederik Botha met wie sy toe as man en vrou saamgelewe het, Kyk ook onder Botha)

    22 Januarij 1700 - CJ 3, 22). Op daardie geleentheid (voor die hof vir die skeiding) bewaar sy vrou :

    De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt
    all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij
    den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt)
    maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick
    Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert

    >> Sy het geetrou met Jan Cornelis 11.7.1683, en was van hom 22 Jan 1700 geskei - hy kon weer trou maar sy nie (omdat sy skuldig gevind was).

    In 1713 het Jan Cornelisz Outbeijerland gesterf (sonder om weer te trou) en toe kon Maria Kickers, weer trou

    Dit is nie net Pama en De Villiers wat dit verkeerd het nie, ook 'n voetnota in die Resolusies van die Politieke Raad.

    Daar word beide die skei jaar en die trou jaar verkeerd gegee: Jan Cornelissen ook bekend as Jan bombam was met Maria Kickers getroud. Hulle is in 1700 geskei, aangesien sy toe reeds sewe kinders van Fred. Botha gehad het, met wie sy in 1714 wettig getroud is.

    Dit is interesant dat daar soms na haar verwys was as Maria Bombam
    dit het self gebeur nadat sy met Botha getroud was.

    (Research): Jan CORNELISZ van Oudbeijerland (ook bekend as Jan Bombam), trou op 22 Mei 1672 met Catharina Harmenz van Rhenen. (Kyk ook onder van Biljon).

    Jan Cornelisz word ook as Jan Bombam in die Resolusies van die Politieke Raad, Vol V, p. 302 aangespreek. 'n Mens wonder waar die naam Bombam vandaan gekom het?

    Volgens die dagboek van Adam Tas was Jan Bombam die bynaam vir Jan Cornelis van Oud-Beyerland (vgl Minuten Justitiële Attestatiën, 1706 onder 20 Oktober). Uit grondbriewe blyk dit dat hy van 1683 af op 'n plaas geboer het waaraan hy toe dit eindelik in 1689 aan hom toegeken is (OSF I, bl. 12), die naam Libertas gegee het (Libertas A, waar vandag Vredelust is, dus ten ooste van Oude Libertas). Sy eerste vrou, Katrina HARMENSZ, met wie hy in 1672 getroud is en by wie hy drie kinders gehad het, het hom ontval. Die plaas Libertas is saam met ander deur Jurgen Grim (ook heemraadslid) verenig tot een groot geheel van 184 morg met behoud van die naam Libertas. Dit was hierdie skone erfenis wat Adam Tas ten deel geval het toe hy in 1703 met die weduwee Grimp getroud is.

    b1 Catharina =12 Mei 1675 ( daar was geen getuies nie) x Robert Jansz van Hoorn (Hees en Lombard H-I bladsy 470; en Heese en Lombard J-K, bladsy 75). Hierdie inligting is moontlik nie korrek nie:
    In Capensis van Junie 2001 (
    The Soetkoek Syndrome op bladsy 27) maak Mansell Upham 'n belangrike regstelling, naamlik dat Dr JA Heese 'n doopinskrywing van ene Catharina op 5 Nov 1684 verkeerd gelees het en dat die ouers nie Louis de Bor en 'n Catharina was nie, maar wel Kees de Boer (Cornelis Claasen) en sy vrou Catharina, 'n swart slavin. Ons vermoed dat hierdie Catharina met Robbert Jansz van Hoorn getroud was. Hierdie inligting is belangrik, want dit beteken dat Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland (Bombam) en sy vrou Catharina Harmensz van Rhenen se kinders geen nasate gehad het nie.

    b2 Cornelis = 29 Nov 1676 (getuies Francois Viljoen en Elsie Jacobs, geboreCloete).
    b3 Anna = 29 Maart 1680 (weereens geen getuies nie). Ek vermoed x Jan Jacobsz van Dyk; XX 7 Nov 1706 Johan Berhard Sicher (sien Hoge se
    German Personalia'), XXX c1740 Bernardus van Biljon. Haar ouers word in die doop inskrywing aangegee as Jan Bombam en Catharina Harmens aangegee.

    In die Opgaafrolle van 1682 verskyn Jan Bombam en Cathryn Harmens se name met 1 seun, 1 dogter en 'n kneg. In 1685 verskyn die name van Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) en Maria Kickart (sic) met twee kinders. Dit wil voorkom of een dogter jonk gesterf het. Jan Cornelisz se plaas het later deel van Adam Tas se plaas, Libertas, geword. Jan Jacobsz van Dyk het op Keerweder, Stellenbosch geboer (Sien J vd Byl, Eienaars van erwe in Stellenbosch 1693-1860). Keerweder het in 1706 Johan Sicher se eiendom geword, aangesien hy waarskynlik met Van Dyk se weduwee getrou het. Die enigste probleem is dat Jan van Dyk en Anna Jansz reeds vanaf 1692 in die Opgaafrolle verskyn, wat beteken dat sy baie jonk moes gewees het met hul troue.

    Jan CORNELISZ trou in 1683 met Maria KICKERS, maar sy verlaat hom na twee jaar. Hulle skei in 1700 weens haar owerspel (Sy het toe alreeds een kind by Ferdinandus Appel gehad en sewe kinders by Frederik Botha met wie sy toe as man en vrou saamgelewe het, Kyk ook onder Botha)

    Jan married Maria KICKERS on 11 Jul 1683 in Holland [Divorced], and was divorced. Maria (daughter of Jan Corneliusz KIEKERS and PN NN) was born between 1650 and 1660 in Oude Beyerland, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherland; died on 2 Dec 1723 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 2. Willem BOTHA, b2  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1687 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 2 Nov 1687; died about 1728 in Cape, South Africa.
    2. 3. Johannes BOTHA, b5  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1695; was christened on 1 May 1695; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    3. 4. Maria BOTHA, b6  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 5 Jan 1695 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 1 May 1695; died before 5 Oct 1749 in Cape, South Africa.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Willem BOTHA, b2Willem BOTHA, b2 Descendancy chart to this point (1.Jan1) was born about 1687 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 2 Nov 1687; died about 1728 in Cape, South Africa.


    !SAG vo; 1 page 372 b2

    Willem married Catharina PYL, b3 on 14 Jul 1709 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa. Catharina was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 16 Nov 1692 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 5. Catharina BOTHA, b2c7  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 5 Jul 1690 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 25 Jan 1722; died in 1758 in Cape, South Africa.
    2. 6. Maria Catharina BOTHA, b2c2  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1712 in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 14 Dec 1711; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    3. 7. Cornelia BOTHA, b2c5  Descendancy chart to this point was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 10 Jan 1717; died on 9 Apr 1760 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa.

  2. 3.  Johannes BOTHA, b5Johannes BOTHA, b5 Descendancy chart to this point (1.Jan1) was born in 1695; was christened on 1 May 1695; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    !Marriage: De Villiers Pama: pg 87

    !SAG vol 1 page 381 b5

    Op 15.3.1739 getroud met Helen du Toit, weduwee van Arend Olivier.

    Heese, J A & R T J Lombard
    Pretoria, Human Sciences Research Council. 1986. pp 698
    PAGE p. 381

    Johannes married Anna VAN DER MERWE, b2c7 on 18 May 1721 in NG Church Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa. Anna (daughter of Scalck (Schalk) VAN DER MERWE, b3 and Anna PREVOT, b3) was born on 21 May 1704 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl); was christened on 20 May 1704 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died before 15 Mar 1739 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 8. Susanna Catharina BOTHA  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1710; was christened on 9 Nov 1732; died on 11 Jun 1753.
    2. 9. Maria BOTHA, b5c1  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 29 Mar 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died about 1739 in Cape, South Africa.
    3. 10. Martha BOTHA, b5c5  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1729; was christened on 2 Jul 1729 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died before 13 Mar 1748 in Cape, South Africa.
    4. 11. Catharina BOTHA, b5c7  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 9 Nov 1732; died on 11 Jun 1753 in Cape, South Africa.
    5. 12. Hester BOTHA, b5c10  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1736; was christened on 1 Jul 1736 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died before 12 Dec 1762 in Cape, South Africa.

    Johannes married Helena (Laina) DU TOIT, a1b4 on 15 Mar 1739 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl). Helena was born in 1695 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 8 May 1695 in NG Church Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa; died in 1781 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  3. 4.  Maria BOTHA, b6Maria BOTHA, b6 Descendancy chart to this point (1.Jan1) was born on 5 Jan 1695 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 1 May 1695; died before 5 Oct 1749 in Cape, South Africa.


    : Birth, marriage, De Villiers Pama page 87 b6http://home.mweb.co.za/el/elijo/bothhtml/dat0.html#2 Botha register

    Family/Spouse: Cornelis VAN TONDER. Cornelis and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    Family/Spouse: Cornelis VAN TONDER. Cornelis and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    Maria married Coenraad Jacob SCHEEPERS, progenitor on 13 Mar 1712 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa. Coenraad (son of Izak SCHEEPERS and Maria HAPEIR) was born about 1678 in Gelderland (Gulderland), Rotterdam, Holland; died in 1729 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl). [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 13. Geertruida SCHEEPERS, b3  Descendancy chart to this point was born est 1710; was christened on 25 Nov 1712 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    2. 14. Maria SCHEEPERS, b4  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 5 Mar 1713 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl); died before Apr 1744 in Cape, South Africa.
    3. 15. Frederik SCHEEPERS, a1b5  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1715; was christened on 19 May 1715; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    4. 16. Anna SCHEEPERS, b6  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 29 Aug 1717; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    5. 17. Sophia Maria SCHEEPERS, b7  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 29 Mar 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    6. 18. Christina SCHEEPERS, b8  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 5 Dec 1722 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 5 Dec 1723 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Maria married Pieter Gerrit BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c2 on 1 Jan 1730 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl). Pieter (son of Wynand BEZUIDENHOUT, b4 and Gerbrecht BOSHOUWER, b1) was christened on 10 Nov 1709; died before 3 Feb 1741 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 19. Wynand Fredrik BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c2d3  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 14 Feb 1734; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Maria married Johan Jacob BRE(I)(Y)TENBACH, progenitor on 3 Dec 1741 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa. Johan was born about 1692 in W; died in 1786 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

Generation: 3

  1. 5.  Catharina BOTHA, b2c7Catharina BOTHA, b2c7 Descendancy chart to this point (2.Willem2, 1.Jan1) was born on 5 Jul 1690 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 25 Jan 1722; died in 1758 in Cape, South Africa.


    Wid, J Pienaar

    Catharina married Jean PINARD, b7 on 27 Mar 1740 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa. Jean (son of Jacques PIENAAR(PINARD), progenitor and Martha LE FEBRE, a2b3) was born about 1708 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl); was christened about 1708 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl); died in Dec 1763 in Niqualand, Swellendam, Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 6.  Maria Catharina BOTHA, b2c2Maria Catharina BOTHA, b2c2 Descendancy chart to this point (2.Willem2, 1.Jan1) was born about 1712 in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 14 Dec 1711; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Maria married Wynand BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c1 on 10 Oct 1728 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl). Wynand (son of Wynand BEZUIDENHOUT, b4 and Gerbrecht BOSHOUWER, b1) was born in 1708; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  3. 7.  Cornelia BOTHA, b2c5Cornelia BOTHA, b2c5 Descendancy chart to this point (2.Willem2, 1.Jan1) was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 10 Jan 1717; died on 9 Apr 1760 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa.

    Cornelia married Cornelis BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c4 on 24 Oct 1734 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa. Cornelis (son of Wynand BEZUIDENHOUT, b4 and Gerbrecht BOSHOUWER, b1) was christened on 27 Feb 1713 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died in Sep 1783 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 20. Aletta Elisabeth BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c4d6  Descendancy chart to this point was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 29 Oct 1747; died in in Cape, South Africa.

  4. 8.  Susanna Catharina BOTHASusanna Catharina BOTHA Descendancy chart to this point (3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born about 1710; was christened on 9 Nov 1732; died on 11 Jun 1753.


    !NAME: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    !CHRISTENING: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.
    Dis nie duidelik in Pama I of sy die ma van Catharina Elizabeth was, en of dit 'n kind van sy tweede vrou was nie.

    Susanna married Johannes KLOPPER on 21 Mar 1751 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa. Johannes (son of Hendrik Frederik KLOPPER, a2 and Catharina BOTHA, b3) was christened on 24 Nov 1726 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  5. 9.  Maria BOTHA, b5c1Maria BOTHA, b5c1 Descendancy chart to this point (3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born in 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 29 Mar 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died about 1739 in Cape, South Africa.


    !NAME: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    !CHRISTENING: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    Maria married Johannes Jacobus -COET(S Z)ER, a1b1 on 15 Feb 1739 in Cape, South Africa. Johannes (son of Jacob KUTZER, progenitor and Cornelia HELM, a4b2) was born in 1716; was christened on 24 May 1716; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  6. 10.  Martha BOTHA, b5c5Martha BOTHA, b5c5 Descendancy chart to this point (3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born in 1729; was christened on 2 Jul 1729 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died before 13 Mar 1748 in Cape, South Africa.


    !NAME: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    !CHRISTENING: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.


    1. Abbrev: AWT Mark Barker
    Title: Ancestry World Tree - barker/cason
    Author: Mark Barker
    Publication: Ancestry.com Genealogy & Family History Records - part of MyFamily.com
    2. Abbrev: Botha in Southern Africa
    Title: BOTHA in Southern Africa
    Author: Joe Botha
    Publication: http://home.mweb.co.za/el/elijo/bothhtml/index.html
    3. Abbrev: SA Stamouers - Van Deventer
    Title: Stamvader Gerrit Jansz van Deventer
    Author: Mark Barker & André van Rensburg
    Publication: http://www.geocities.com/sa_stamouers/vandeventer
    Text: Sources:
    1. JA Heese & RTJ Lombard, South African Genealogies;
    2. NA Coetzee "Die Stammoeder Ariaentjie Jacobs of te wel Ariaentjie Ariens" - Familia XV 1978 no 1;
    3. JG le Roux & WG le Roux, Noorder Paarl: Ons Drakensteinse Erfgrond;
    4. Phillip Playford, Carpet of Silver: The wreck of the Zuytdorp (1996);
    5. Personal information from Anne Lehmkuhl

    Martha married Jacob Gerritsz VAN DEVENTER, b5 on 15 Jan 1746 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa. Jacob (son of Gerrit Janse (Jansz) VAN DEVENTER, progenitor and Adriana JACOBS, son of Gerrit Janz VAN DER DEVENTER and Adriana Jacobsz ABAHAMSE) was born in Jul 1705 in Graaff-Reinet, Cape, South Africa; was christened in Jul 1705; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  7. 11.  Catharina BOTHA, b5c7Catharina BOTHA, b5c7 Descendancy chart to this point (3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 9 Nov 1732; died on 11 Jun 1753 in Cape, South Africa.


    Dis nie duidelik in Pama I of sy die ma van Catharina Elizabeth was, en of dit 'n kind van sy tweede vrou was nie.

    Catharina married Johannes KLOPPER, a2b7 on 21 Mar 1751. Johannes (son of Hendrik Frederik KLOPPER, a2 and Catharina BOTHA, b3) was christened on 24 Nov 1726; and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 21. Catharina Elisabeth KLOPPER, b7c1  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1752 in Cape, South Africa; died after 1798.
    2. 22. Anna Maria KLOPPER, a2b7c7  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 4 May 1766; died in in Cape, South Africa.

  8. 12.  Hester BOTHA, b5c10Hester BOTHA, b5c10 Descendancy chart to this point (3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born in 1736; was christened on 1 Jul 1736 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died before 12 Dec 1762 in Cape, South Africa.


    !Christening: De Villiers Pama:pg 87; c10
    !NAME: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    !CHRISTENING: 1. South African Genealogies page 381.

    Hester married Hendrik KLOPPER, a2b8 on 19 Mar 1752 in Cape, South Africa. Hendrik (son of Hendrik Frederik KLOPPER, a2 and Catharina BOTHA, b3) was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 11 Jun 1730 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 23. Elsie (Elsi) Susanna KLOPPER  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 2 May 1762 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 2 May 1762; died in in Cape, South Africa.

  9. 13.  Geertruida SCHEEPERS, b3Geertruida SCHEEPERS, b3 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was born est 1710; was christened on 25 Nov 1712 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    Haar naam word ook in Pama 1 p123 as Geertruida gespel.

    Erasmus Register gives 12.1712

    Geertruida married Jacobus BURGER, b5 on 31 Jul 1729 in Cape, South Africa. Jacobus (son of Berndt (Barend) BURCHERDT(BURGER), progenitor and Maria (Marietje) VAN DER MERWE, b3) was christened on 3 Apr 1704; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  10. 14.  Maria SCHEEPERS, b4Maria SCHEEPERS, b4 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 5 Mar 1713 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl); died before Apr 1744 in Cape, South Africa.

    Maria married Gerrit CLOETE, b2c6d2 on 12 Oct 1738 in Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa(Paarl). Gerrit (son of Johannes (Jan) CLOETE, b2c6 and Petronella VAN DER MERWE, b6, son of Johannes (Jan) CLOETE, b2c6 and Johanna OLIVIER, a1b5) was christened on 25 Sep 1717 in NG Church Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died on 26 Apr 1798 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  11. 15.  Frederik SCHEEPERS, a1b5Frederik SCHEEPERS, a1b5 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was born about 1715; was christened on 19 May 1715; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    Burger Stellenbosch

    Frederik married Catharina HOFFMAN, a11b2 on 7 Jan 1737 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa. Catharina (daughter of Johannes HOFFMAN, a11 and Maria Louisa VAN DIE KAAP) was born about 1707 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 1 May 1707 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa; died in 1767 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  12. 16.  Anna SCHEEPERS, b6Anna SCHEEPERS, b6 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 29 Aug 1717; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Anna married Abel PINARD, b5 on 11 Jul 1734 in Cape, South Africa. Abel (son of Jacques PIENAAR(PINARD), progenitor and Martha LE FEBRE, a2b3) was born about 1703 in Cape, South Africa; was christened about 1703; died about 1735 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 24. Abigael Geertruy PIENAAR, b6c1  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 2 Jul 1735 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Anna married Cornelis VAN TONDEREN(TONDERON), a1b3 on 26 May 1736 in Cape, South Africa. Cornelis was born about 1715 in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 24 Jun 1715; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 25. Andries Cornelisz VAN TONDER, b3c2  Descendancy chart to this point was christened about 1751; and died.

  13. 17.  Sophia Maria SCHEEPERS, b7Sophia Maria SCHEEPERS, b7 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 29 Mar 1722 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Sophia married Gerrit BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c6 on 15 Oct 1741 in Cape, South Africa. Gerrit (son of Wynand BEZUIDENHOUT, b4 and Gerbrecht BOSHOUWER, b1) was christened on 14 Apr 1720; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  14. 18.  Christina SCHEEPERS, b8Christina SCHEEPERS, b8 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was born about 5 Dec 1722 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 5 Dec 1723 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    5.12.1722 in Erasmus Register

    Family/Spouse: Jacob SENECHAL. Jacob and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    Family/Spouse: Jacob Michiel HELBECK. Jacob and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    Christina married Dirk MINNIE on 2 Jun 1743 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa. Dirk was born about 1720 in Paderborn, Germany; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 26. Maria Cornelia MINNIE, (b4)  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1749 in Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Christina married Johannes DU BUIS, b3c1 on 9 Jan 1752 in Cape, South Africa. Johannes (son of Jean DU BUIS, b3 and Elsje HOFFMAN, a11b3) was born in 1730 in Cape, South Africa; died in Sep 1769 in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  15. 19.  Wynand Fredrik BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c2d3Wynand Fredrik BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c2d3 Descendancy chart to this point (4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 14 Feb 1734; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Wynand married Susanna NEL, a1b2c2d1 on 27 Apr 1800. Susanna (daughter of Jean(Jan) NEL, a1b2c2 and Gesina STEENKAMP, b6) was born in 1756 in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 10 Apr 1756 in Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa; died in in South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

Generation: 4

  1. 20.  Aletta Elisabeth BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c4d6Aletta Elisabeth BEZUIDENHOUT, b4c4d6 Descendancy chart to this point (7.Cornelia3, 2.Willem2, 1.Jan1) was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 29 Oct 1747; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Aletta married Philip Carel DU PREEZ, b6c4d4 on 16 Oct 1774 in Cape, South Africa. Philip (son of Philippe DU PREEZ, b6c4 and Sibella (Isabella) POTGIETER, b1c3) was born in 1733; was christened on 31 May 1733 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 21.  Catharina Elisabeth KLOPPER, b7c1Catharina Elisabeth KLOPPER, b7c1 Descendancy chart to this point (11.Catharina3, 3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born about 1752 in Cape, South Africa; died after 1798.


    a2b7c1. Weduwee van Marthinus Bekker. Daar word beweer dat haar broer, Jan, vermoedelik Johannes Jacobus (x Maria Catharina VENTER) getroud was met 'n niggie van Jacob by name Maria. KAB-MOOC-7/1/56-70-1798.

    Catharina married Jacob Johannes VAN DEVENTER on 25 Jun 1797. Jacob (son of Jacob Gerritsz VAN DEVENTER, b5 and Hester VAN JAARSVELD, b5) was born in in Cape, South Africa; was christened on 6 Jul 1749; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  3. 22.  Anna Maria KLOPPER, a2b7c7Anna Maria KLOPPER, a2b7c7 Descendancy chart to this point (11.Catharina3, 3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 4 May 1766; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    7th child

    Anna married Petrus Rasmus ERASMUS, b3c2d4 on 9 Nov 1785 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa. Petrus (son of Pieter ERASMUS, b3c2 and Johanna Elizabeth BOCKELENBERG(BOCKELBERG), b5c2) was christened on 28 Feb 1762; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 27. Geertruijda Catharina ERASMUS, b3c2d4e1  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 29 Nov 1786; and died.
    2. 28. Petrus Rasmus ERASMUS, b3c2d4e2  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 11 Jul 1787 in 'Bruintjieshoogte', District Somerset East, Cape, South Africa; died on 22 Jul 1860.
    3. 29. Elizabeth Johanna ERASMUS, b3c2d4e5  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 11 Apr 1789 in Cradock, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 5 Nov 1790; died on 6 Mar 1873 in 'Wynandskraal', Cradock, Cape, South Africa.
    4. 30. Veldkornet Johannes Jacobus (Hans) ERASMUS, b3c2d4e3  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 3 Jan 1790; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    5. 31. Daniel Balthazar ERASMUS, b3c2d4e5  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 1 Jun 1794; and died.
    6. 32. Lourens Marthinus ERASMUS, b3c2d4e6  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 13 Apr 1797; died on 14 Jul 1859 in Skilpadkuil, Bloemfontein, O.F.S., South Africa.
    7. 33. Barend Frederik ERASMUS, b3c2d4e7  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 16 Sep 1798; and died.
    8. 34. Jacob Rudolph ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1800; died on 6 Jan 1879 in Hopetown, Cape, South Africa.
    9. 35. Jacob Rudolf ERASMUS, b3c2d4e8  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 4 Oct 1800; and died.
    10. 36. Anna Maria ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 28 Sep 1881; was christened on 2 Apr 1882 in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa; and died.
    11. 37. Engela Willemina Christina ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 19 Mar 1885; was christened on 18 Oct 1885 in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa; and died.
    12. 38. Gertruida Maria ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 12 Jul 1888; was christened on 18 Nov 1888 in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa; and died.

  4. 23.  Elsie (Elsi) Susanna KLOPPERElsie (Elsi) Susanna KLOPPER Descendancy chart to this point (12.Hester3, 3.Johannes2, 1.Jan1) was born on 2 May 1762 in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 2 May 1762; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Elsie married Michiel COMBRIN(C)K, b6c5 on 13 May 1804 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa. Michiel (son of Michiel COMBRIN(C)K, b6 and Dorothea GROB(B)(E)L(L)(A)(A)(E)R, b8) was christened on 16 Dec 1764; and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  5. 24.  Abigael Geertruy PIENAAR, b6c1Abigael Geertruy PIENAAR, b6c1 Descendancy chart to this point (16.Anna3, 4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened on 2 Jul 1735 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.


    Sy is moeder van Catharina Hoffman van die Kaap.

    Abigael married Lourens ERASMUS, b3c1 on 28 Jun 1750 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa. Lourens (son of Lourens ERASMUS, b3 and Catharina HOFFMAN, a11b2, son of Lourens Pietersz ERASMUS, b3 and Catharina HOFFMAN) was christened on 21 Aug 1729 in Paarl, Cape, South Africa; died on 12 Dec 1794 in Land van Waveren, Cape, South Africa (Tulbagh). [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 39. Abel ERASMUS, b3c1d1  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 1 Apr 1753 in 'Oude Kloof', Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa; was buried in Sergauts Rivier, Swellendam, Cape, South Africa.
    2. 40. Salomon ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 16 Jun 1754 in Tulbagh, Cape, South Africa; and died.
    3. 41. Solomon ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 16 Jun 1754 in Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    4. 42. Catharina ERASMUS, b3c1d3  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 17 Jun 1759 in Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.
    5. 43. Elizabeth Johanna ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 21 Apr 1764; and died.
    6. 44. Jacobus ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 30 Jun 1770; and died.
    7. 45. Anna Susanna ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 25 Dec 1784; and died.
    8. 46. Elizabeth Catharina ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 11 Feb 1786; and died.
    9. 47. Johanna Aletta ERASMUS  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 5 Apr 1789; and died.

  6. 25.  Andries Cornelisz VAN TONDER, b3c2Andries Cornelisz VAN TONDER, b3c2 Descendancy chart to this point (16.Anna3, 4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was christened about 1751; and died.

    Andries married Susanna STRYDOM, b4c6d2 on 17 Oct 1779. Susanna (daughter of Johannes STRYDOM, b4c6 and Geertruy Magdalena SCHEEPERS, b2c7) was christened on 3 Jan 1762; and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  7. 26.  Maria Cornelia MINNIE, (b4)Maria Cornelia MINNIE, (b4) Descendancy chart to this point (18.Christina3, 4.Maria2, 1.Jan1) was born about 1749 in Cape, South Africa; died in in Cape, South Africa.

    Maria married Gabriel STOLTZ, b2 on 27 May 1770 in Cape, South Africa. Gabriel (son of Willem STOLTS, progenitor and Johanna VAN BELEN, b1) was born in in Swellendam, Cape, South Africa; was christened on 6 Apr 1738; died in in Cape, South Africa. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 48. Anna Catharina Geertruy STOLZ  Descendancy chart to this point was christened on 1 Apr 1781 in Cape Town, Cape, South Africa; and died.

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