Asset Number |
To see pictures of the assets, please click on
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Owner, archive, or location. |
Bredt, Johann Victor
Geschichte der Familie
Greeff aus der Huckenbach
1941. Karl Gleiser (R Friedrich's Universitats-Buchdruckerei)
Marburg-Lahn |
und Landesbibliothek
Heinrich Heine Universitat
Dusseldorf. |
Stambaum der Familie
Verfasser: Werth, JP. [HP 02356855]
ID: HT 010775268
Ort: Nurnberg
Jahr: 1921 |
und Landesbibliothek
Heinrich Heine Universitat
Dusseldorf. |
of Hendrik Adriaan Greeff, founder of Lichtenburg. Colour.
This painting was probably done before the death of HA
Greeff, who died in 1884. |
Adriaan Greeff
South Africa |
Register der Familie Greeff.
Unpublished manuscript, illustrated by hand. Date of
creation uncertain, but definitely after 24 May 1890, the
last date in the manuscript. It is well worth clicking on
the above link because the pictures of this hand made
document are very beautiful.
H J Greeff
9 Dove Place
Albany Auckland
New Zealand
huisfoon: 09-447-1910
Sel 0274-2974-25
alternatiewe e-pos: |
Family Bible.
Originally the Bible of Hendrik Johannes Greeff, born 10
April 1880, who married Johanna Jacomina Loots. He also
appears in the Register at Asset No 4. |
South Africa |
Bust of Hendrik Adriaan Greeff, founder of Lichtenburg. |
The bust stands in the City Hall of Lichtenburg. |
Family Bible.
Bybel is in bruin leer gebind en het koperklampe. Die Bybel
is net na 1748 gedruk en is in Hoog-Hollands. Die buitekant
is gebrosjeer
met "Bybel". en "H.J. GREEFF". en "Geb: 2:1:1846". Op een
van die binneblaaie is die volgende inskripsie in 'n baie
bewerige hand geskryf: "Hendrik Johannes Geboren den 2
January 1846 H.J. Greeff Slangfontein G (?) 2 January
193...1943." Ek weet Slangfontein was die plaas van grootjie
noord van Upington. My oupa het die plaas verkoop en toe
Nederlea gekoop.
Hennie Greeff. (Nog
'n foto) |
H J Greeff
9 Dove Place
Albany Auckland
New Zealand
huisfoon: 09-447-1910
Sel 0274-2974-25
alternatiewe e-pos: |
Webley .455, (Mark III), c 1890 to 1899. This side arm
was used by the British Army and Navy from about 1887. This
particular one was probably confiscated from a British
officer during the Anglo Boer War of 1899 - 1901. The
earliest documentation relating to this revolver is a
licence to own it,
dated 1957.
For wider information there are web sites about firearms
that may be helpful:
Col Jan Greeff,
Barberton. |
This is the South
African Republic and
Orange Free State War Medal, commonly referred to as
the "Anglo-Boere Oorlog Medal". This particular medal was
awarded to Colonel Gabriel Johannes (Jan) Greeff (born 1870)
who was an adjudant on the executive staff of General de la
Rey. Some of the original documentation relating to the
application for and issue of this medal may be seen in the
series of documents that starts with:
The information about the medal on this web site is well
worth reading: |
Johan Greeff
Stellenbosch. |
10. |
Medal and
personal jewellery.
This is the Dekoratie
voor Trouwe Dienst ("Decoration for Devoted
Service"), a silver medal.
This particular medal was awarded to Colonel Gabriel
Johannes (Jan) Greeff (born 1870) who was an adjudant on the executive staff of General de la
Rey. Some of the original documentation relating to the
application for and issue of this medal may be seen in the
series of documents that starts with:
The information about the medal on this web site is well
worth reading:
Jan Greeff also has some other
personal items that belonged to Colonel Gabriel Johannes
(Jan) Greeff. These items are two gold tie pins (both
engraved with the initials GJG), one ivory
collar stud and a gold ring set with a ruby. |
Jan Greeff
Barberton |
11. |
Pocket watch.
This pocket watch
used to belong to Col Gabriel Johannes (Jan) Greeff (born
1870) who was the great grandfather of the present owner. If
the watch is wound
gently it still runs!

Louis van Niekerk
Richardsbaai |
12. |
Medals and ribbons of Cornelius Johannes Greeff (born 31
January 1889).

From left to right:
1. The 1914-15 Star.
2. British Victory Medal
3. The British War Medal
4. South African
Medal for Faithful Service
5. Africa Service Medal
For further information and more
photographs, see
Viljoen Greeff
South Africa. |
13. |
Family Tree: Greeff x Schreuder
This is a hand drawn family tree for Hendrik Gideon Greeff, his wife Maria Johanna Catrina Schreuder and their childen. Thanks to Anita Slabbert for sending in the picture.

14 |
Doyley made by Totie Greeff, born de Wet on 8 April 1873.

From: Jan Greeff []
Sent: 18 July 2009 09:45
To: 'Francois Greeff'
Subject: Doyley van Ouma Totie Greeff (de Wet)
Hi Francois,
Hierdie pragtige doyley, wat ongeveer 80 jaar gelede deur my ouma Totie
(eggenote van G J Greeff) gemaak is, is deur Magdalena Susanna (Dalene)
Kotze, *3 Des 1926 geskenk. Haar moeder, Magrieta Wilhelmina de Wet, *29
Maart 1888, wat dit waarskynlik as 'n geskenk by haar tante, Ouma Totie
gekry het, het dit vir haar gegee.
Ek sal dit raam en 'n foto met byskrifte op die webblad plaas. Jy sal dit
seker intussen op die register van historiese bates wil plaas.
Jan |
15. |

From: Lida []
Sent: 24 January 2011 18:29
To: Ann Tiran
Subject: Greeff
Bid or Buy Trader
Email: - Cell phone: 0736725791
G-naand Annatjie,
Ek lei af van jou naam dat jy moontilk afrikaans kan wees. Na watter Greeff's soek julle? My Ouma was 'n nooi Greeff. As dit sal help kan ek by haar hoor hoeveel sy van die Greeff's weet.
Ek weet dat haar pa (my grootjieoupa) 'n kruigsgevange op St Helena was in die oorlog. Hy het vir sy vrou diè spieëltjie uit klip gemaak terwyl hy daar was, dit word nou van geslag tot geslag aan gegee vir die vroue in die familie met dieselfde naam.
Laat weet asb of ek vir julle inligting kan bymekaar maak.
Lida |